
Snow White

In The Name Of Winter
Dolazi Zima

And I walked and there were all those colors of white and blue...
And this is how winter decided to show its face, once again..

I šetala sam i svuda okolo su bile te nijanse bijele i plave...
I ovako je zima odlučila pokazati svoje lice, još jednom..

And little something for cold winter nights. May all people find somebody to love and to be loved.

Nešto i za duge zimske noći. Neka svi ljudi na svijetu nađu nekoga da vole i da ih voli.


Waist(ed) Youth

BeltED Waist

Never in my life have I been skinnier nor I felt better (even though my hair and my nails wouldn't agree).
I'm not looking for compliments it's just totally new thing to me to look at my old clothes and think - God, what was I thinking?!!

Nikad u svom životu nisam bila mršavija niti sam se osjećala bolje (iako se moja kosa i nokti ne bi baš složili).
Ne tražim komplimente samo je ovo nešto sasvim novo za mene da gledam u svoju staru odjeću i pomislim - Bože dragi, o čemu sam ja to razmišljala?!!

All belts from Zara.


Some Old/New Things

Are we gone crazy just because the hollidays are here, OR, we have an urge to spend money we saved a couple of months ago???!! Whatever the reason, I have to admit it stroke me as well. It's  nothing much and I have to say I find many cute things on sale and I can still afford to go out! Just kidding. :)

Jesmo li svi poludjeli zbog praznika ili imamo veliku potrebu da potrošimo sav ušteđen novac???!
Šta god da je razlog, moram priznati ni mene nije zaobišao.  Ništa posebno i moram da priznam da sam pronašla mnogo slatkih stvar na rasprodaji i još uvijek mi ostane da izađem! Zezam se naravno (nisam baš pukla sve..)

Yewellery like this and more you can find here:



Hiding Place

Rough and Tough
There is a city and there is a lake,
There are cool places that aren't fake,
There are trains and there are boats,
There are stories and many thoughts.

If you wish a slow walk,
If you desire someone to talk,
If you have no idea what to do,
Look at old photos and they'll tell you.

There is no reason to be afraid,
Nor there are creatures to be scared,
Follow your hurt and make a wish,
But careful though, someone may see;
Never quit, never give up,
Remote places are the most easy to find,
Behind the weal, or on bare feet,
Destiny's here, there will be no dispute.


The Winter

Should I quit traveling or wearing dresses because of the cold weather?? Nope, I don't think so!
I was looking for a new perspective and to make my photos look like professional did it...NOT! I usually take picture of all the things I find beautiful in certain moment, if I have my camera with me of course.  This is what happened when I'm not driving :)

The last picture is an English flag box which I'm planing to use as a coffee table or as a bad side table.

FREE Style

Since I'm living this one it's not a surprise I wanted to post some great girl's style pics. It's not that I wanted to live like I don't care about anything I just feel that I need to make my life as comfortable as I can because nobody cares...I mean really, I don't even like to hear somebody giving me compliments or telling me how good (bed) I look wearing this or that...I just need everyone to live me alone and to enjoy the fact that I'm a little bit different and I love it!
All this and more is reason I wanted to put a few pictures here just to remind me who I am and to never forget it.


Nothing Better Than Traveling!!!!!!!

Traveling Light...What is that?? Every time I go traveling I carry unnecessary things so I cannot move freely as I planed... but who cares as long as I have some photos when I get home! :P   

This was in Munich, Germany